Joe and I are getting ready to head back home after almost a week at the beach. As usual, I wish we could stay longer. (I spent four summers in college living and working at the beach, so I became a little spoiled.) Its definitely going to be hard to come back home and transition into all the work I have to do to get ready for upcoming shows. (I only have three studio days before I leave for Cain Park.)
All the while, I’ll be dreaming of spending my days out in the sun on the beach, reading and relaxing. (Isn’t there some job where you can get payed to do that?)
I’m just catching up, but wanted to tell you that my parents live on the other side of the Bay in Bishopville permanently now. But growing up we spent summers at my Grandmother’s in Montego Bay. I worked for 3 summers down at the beach when I was in college too!