I finally got my Yakkay helmet in the mail yesterday, and I couldn’t be more excited. I absolutely love it! I think its super-cute, and much better than my current helmet. The helmet under the cover is super well made, with really high quality straps, and you could actually wear it without the cover. While I probably won’t be wearing it on long training rides, its perfect for running errands around town.
The biggest issue is that it is a little big. The helmet is only available in medium and large. I bought the medium. It comes with foam inserts that you place yourself to adjust the fit – mine fits well after putting those in, but if you have a really small head, this might not be the best helmet for you.
I ordered it from 50cycles, a British company. You can order directly from their website and they ship to the US.
love the helmet!!!!!!
sorry to hear about your possible stress fracture. curious if something specifically happened to cause it? in the past i’ve had over-use sorts of aches and pains in my left heal, but because there was never a specific incident where i hurt it, i ruled out stress fracture…. hope you get in for the MRI soon!
i can’t remember anything specific happening to my foot. about a week after the half-marathon, i was at a cross country meet, and at some point during all my running around, it started to hurt. i’ve been limping ever since. the pain is very specific to one place, which i guess is why its likely a stress fracture.
i go for my MRI tomorrow, so hopefully i’ll know soon.
ooohh i love this helmet.
a stress fracture is an overuse injury. it is not the resuslt of a single precipitating event. the way to tell for sure if it’s a stress fracture is through a bone scan, but it’s hardly worth the effort since, whether or not it’s a stress fracture, the treatment is the same: rest from weightbearing exercise until the pain goes away.
goldmine848 is right, perhaps i was on the verge of a stress-fracture?? … i opted to take 2 weeks off from running before my pains got too bad and that saved me for training for this marathon.
I found this post while searching for pics of the Sogreni men's helmet. I sent it to a bazillion of my lady bike friends. Thanks!
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