Quick question for all of you out in blog land-
if you were to attend a little art/craft/design business gathering, what sort of topics would you like to see presented? And how much would you be willing to pay for a 2 or 3 hour event? What if it included food or drink?
And because I love your feedback so much, I’m going to pick one commenter at random and send you a laser cut coffee cup cozy.
I did one of these with The Baltimore Etsy Street Team last weekend, and I attended the Design*SPonge business thing this summer. The marketing section was really helpful, and the accountant and lawyer were definatly necessary. I think $25 was more then fair with lunch, and I was overstimulated in 4 hours. =)
Hope that helps!
thanks Juliet! how many people were at the BEST event?
From the questions I get asked, I’d say the following topics would be much appreciated:
– Pricing your work
– Copyright/intellectual property issues
– Writing a business plan
– Booth design
we had 50. 4 presenters, 40 mintues each.
I’d like to see business strategy, legal issues (types of business, licensing, intellectual propery, copyrighting, etc), also a participatory critique of slides, marketing materials, booth/display design. As far as pay- depends on who’s speaking, but I’d think under $50 would get the best attendance.
marketing, getting started, “business” topics (i think that is the most difficult part for creative people)…maybe a workshop on making your work cohesive….I would think that people would pay $50 for sure.
ugh…i forgot one of the things I am most interested in! Booth design, definitely….I am sure that more than i can even imagine goes into it:)
I would pay $50 to $85 for an event like this. (It’s hard to estimate the cost when I don’t know how much the food costs, and the cost of the speakers.)
These are things I hear that people need:
-pricing (wholesale versus retail)
-things you wish you knew before starting a business that you learned along the way
-How to get into shows, win awards, get into magazines (Professional Photography!!!!) I always emphasize this one
-Writing a business plan: Why it’s important (to gauge where you are now and where you are heading, it will be adjusted along the way)
-Networking/Publicspeaking; the importance of getting the word out about your art!
This is all I can think of for now. If I have more ideas I’ll let you know!
I agree with everyone else on Booth design. I would be interested in tips on writing a bio on yourself and your business. Selling at wholesale shows. Approaching magazines about your work. On price I would say $50.
thanks ladies – keep ’em coming!
I think pricing is huge – setting the price, understanding wholesale/retail pricing (particularly considering so many people on etsy do not seem to be considering this), best way to have control over the price of your product when sold in retail environment …
Identity/marketing/press etc. – the importance of creating a structure for your identity – to the point of having your own kit that works for online shops, print materials, press etc.
Writing Business Plans!
not sure, in this economy, what you should charge for this type of event. it really depends on who is giving the advise, i guess…
hi megan,
i’m working on launching my jewelry in spring. things that i think would be helpful are:
-how to market your work / getting your work shown in magazines/ on blogs / networking
-how to approach boutiques
-how much work to bring when participating in a craft fair
-buisness plan- how to write it, what it’s really needed for etc.
in general, any advice on getting things started and what things you wish you new at the beginning, like Valerie mentioned.
I agree under $50 would be most attractive, over $60 might get tough.
I would pay up to a hundred bucks for a lecture on how to set up Quickbooks and a crash course in legal structures and issues for micro-business.
press kits and business plans!