Yesterday, I completed the Got the Nerve Triathlon for the second year in a row! My time was 1 hour and 44 minutes, a four minute improvement over last year. I’m really happy about this because the bike course was actually .6 mile longer than the year before.
I’d really like to do a few more triathlons this year. I’m thinking about one in York at the end of June, and I’d really like to do a fall one in September or October. Any suggestions?
This past week, I’ve moved into full on summer mode. We put the soft-top on my car (something I haven’t done in 5 years), I put some blonde highlights in my hair, and I’ve been dreaming about trips to the beach. All I want to do is lay in the sun and read books, unfortunately I’ve got some orders to go out, and I’m teaching a summer class that starts on Tuesday. So the rest of this weekend will be a working weekend for me. How about you?
Enjoy the long weekend!
Nice photo!