I’m working on something new (which I’ll share with you all shortly) but I need your help.
I’m looking for women who make a statement, whatever that means to you. Style icons, celebrities, leaders, entrepreneurs, artists, designers, authors, athletes, everyday women. Living, dead. I want to hear about them.
Who do you think of as a woman who makes a statement?
The very, very first woman that popped into my head was Maya Angelou. The strength of her talent and presence (as a poet and activist, author, actress and more), coupled with the purity of her voice makes her larger than life.
here are a few names that come to mind: michelle obama, oprah, ellen…
My midwife, Carrie Kimball. She is a powerful presence, but calm and steady when you need someone to get you through the most intense experience of your life. She also knows so much about nutrition, homeopathy, breastfeeding, Western medicine that she can get you through any illness. And she’s living with MS, so she does all this even though she had blinding migraines, pain and numbness all over her body, and blurred vision. She makes a statement about what a woman and human being can be.
Judi Dench. I sat and thought about this for longer than I should have (LOL) and when I think ‘strong woman’ I think of Judi Dench. =)
Mrs Kaneko Ikeda( a Buddhist leader), Martina Navratilova, Frieda Kahlo, Rosa Parks, Hazel Henderson
Women who make a statement.
Kris Karr (of crazysexylife.com) lives a life of statement. That no matter what “happens to us” we can jump up and fight back with a smile, a plate half-full of green vegetables and fierce, oxygen-rich breaths.
I just found out about the artist Eva Jospin today. Her cardboard forest landscapes dazzle me. She is French, I’m trying to find out more about her and the whys of her art but there’s not a ton of information out there yet. I am sure that she’s a woman worth knowing about though.
I second the above motion for Frida Kahlo. Love her.
Eva Hesse. Another artist (whose life was too short). There’s something so touching about her work and about her life struggle of living in the shadow of her artist husband and still managing to get out and realize her own artistic vision.
Madonna, Lady Gaga, Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Martha Stewart, so many women who make statements! Whether you like them or not is one thing, but it’s impossible to deny that they all make statements!
I could go on forever probably! This is fun to think about, thanks!!
Carol Burnett! Tina Fey! Lucille Ball! Mary Tyler Moore! Betty White! The funny women of the world, past & present. We tend to take life too seriously & women like these (and soooo many more) lighten the mood. Make us laugh at ourselves. Take us away from all the troubles that we’re experiencing and just…smile. 🙂
The first woman who came to mind was Lady Gaga. I’ve never deliberately listened to her music or watched her perform, yet I know about her meat purse. She’s a phenomenon.
I agree with so many listed above! I have to add my mom, Sandra Price, because she took 17 years to finish her BA at 55 and will finish her MEd in about another year at 62. She always wanted to be a teacher and she made it happen while raising two daughters, coaching our cheerleading, driving us around the city and going to school a class at a time. She’s been teaching for about 5 years now. She’s an amazing and graceful woman.
I’d also throw Cyndi Lauper and Pat Benetar in their because they were two women who represented their own beauty and never hid their power.
Jane Goodall: incredible woman, went to Africa without a university degree but with determination to do what would become her life’s work
Maria Montessori: first female doctor in Italy, incredibly intelligent woman who made the world reconsider human development, defied Mussolini, and was a single mom to boot
and don’t forget sarah…she sure has made a statement!