I don’t work in an office, but if I did, this might be my summer work uniform. A comfy skirt and lightweight blouse, topped off with a great statement necklace. It kind of makes me wish I had to get dressed for work every day. (Ok, maybe not every day.)
1/ scallop trim blouse // 2/ turntable skirt // 3/ melissa necklace // 4/ super ciccio glasses // 5/ amalia skimmer
PS. The Melissa statement necklace is the perfect summer work accessory. It instantly makes any outfit complete. Plus, it looks just as good with your casual weekend summer looks too! (Click to shop.)
This outfit in concept is perfect, except the skirt is too casual for most offices that require business formal or in finance type offices. A similar skirt might work tho! Love the combo of textures and color.
Thanks Meg – I live in an area where a lot of the office jobs are business casual (the predominant industries in my area are in manufacturing, so the dress code isn’t as formal) but I can see swapping it out for something a little less casual to meet some office dress codes. I also have friends who’ve worked for companies that switch from business formal to business casual during the summer, so I had that in mind too!