File these images under “how did I miss these?!?” I was going through IG and realized that I had never posted these images from Nashville here on the blog. And since I’m going back there in a couple of weeks, it only makes sense to share these now!
What I read in September
After spending a lot of the summer reading novels, I’m firmly back to my nonfiction ways. I did read one novel last month, but it was an advanced copy, so my review has to wait until it comes out in November.
what I read in August
August started a little slow on the book front because my usual reading time was consumed with watching the Olympics. But I found my groove in the second half of the month, mostly by reading fiction. Because of that, I only finished one non-fiction book this month, so that’s where I’ll start.
what I read in July
The beginning of August has flown by, so I’m only now getting around to blogging my July reads. This month was heavy on fiction (I read five novels but only finished one non-fiction book) so we’re going to start there.
what I read in June
Adding fiction to my reading list means I’ve been getting through more books lately. (It probably doesn’t hurt that I’ve all but quit Instagram. How else am I supposed to fill the void?) This month was more balanced, split evenly between non-fiction and fiction. And once again, I’ve got reviews. (Or at least a few notes.)
what I read in May
I read ten books this month (yes, I know there are only eight in the above picture, more on that shortly) and it’s the most I’ve read in a single month since September 2020. (When, let’s face it, there wasn’t much else to do.) This time, it was a combo of blowing through a bunch of fiction, taking some time off to travel, and camping on back-to-back weekends.
And not only that, I’ve got actual (albeit short) reviews for you this month!
the beauty of being untraced
One Thursday morning in May, I leave my allergist’s office, headed towards a mundane Costco run, when a small plastic sign next to a United Methodist church causes me to abruptly change course.
It reads “East Shore Library Book Sale. Thursday – Friday -Saturday.”
what I read in April
Despite doing lots of reading, I haven’t really been in the mood to write book reviews. But I still love having a record of what I’m reading on the blog, so here’s my April book stack for posterity.
what I read in March
Since I started tracking my monthly reads a few years ago, a pattern has emerged. I tend to hit a reading slump in March. But it turns out I found a way to get around (through) that slump, by reading fiction! Of course, I’m still me, so all of the books I read had some relationship to art.
what I read in February
Since we’re almost at the end of March, it’s safe to say February book reviews aren’t happening. But I still want to share what I’ve read, if only to document for myself!
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