Annie and Jill were both nice enough to help me out at the Gift Fair last week, and coincidently, both have necklaces I’m coveting.
1.28.08. – one a day challenge from imogene and annie.
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Annie and Jill were both nice enough to help me out at the Gift Fair last week, and coincidently, both have necklaces I’m coveting.
1.28.08. – one a day challenge from imogene and annie.
by Megan 4 Comments
I’m tired of being in a state of constant stress and panic, so today I downloaded Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-free Productivity from iTunes to listen to in the studio.
I can’t even tell you how helpful this is. Everyone should download it now. I can’t wait to start organizing. (Words I never thought I’d say.)
One of my favorites ideas is dumping everything (ideas, email, etc.) into a “bucket” and everyday emptying the bucket. I liked this so much a immediately posted it on my studio wall. Now my new goal is to empty the bucket at the end of each work day.
Part of my empty the bucket goal is to blog everyday. And even though the picture quality isn’t as good, I’m continuing taking photos with my iPhone. It makes blogging so much faster, which means I’ll do it more, and isn’t that the whole point.
Yesterday, while on the way to MAD, I took a wrong turn getting off the subway and stumbled on this little area. The entire time I was in New York, I kept thinking, “I could move here.” Sadly, Joe never could. He requires a little more open space. (Oh wait, I mean a LOT more open space.)
So its back to work in my small town, PA studio.
by Megan 2 Comments
I’m back from the New York Gift Fair. I didn’t realize how tired I was until I sat down to read the over 200 posts in my Google reader, and found I didn’t want to get up off the couch. So I’m taking it easy tonight.
The show was really great. I learned so much, picked up some great new stores, and have a wonderful opportunity coming up in April. (More to come on that.) Thanks so much to Annie and Jill for helping me out.
Here are a few things from when I was gone…
–Corey is posting a lovely image everyday, and even better, she posted her family’s famous chocolate chip cookie recipe. She’s not lying when she says they are the BEST chocolate chip cookies ever. Perhaps I’ll have to try to make them myself (thought they probably won’t be quite as good as when Corey makes them).
-The wonderful Elsita wore my jewelry to the Producer’s Guild dinner. Check out the pics here – you look so lovely Elsita!
Back to relaxing before I tackle my crazy to-do list tomorrow. Only a week and a half until ACC.
I’m sorry for the total neglect of this blog over the last few weeks. The wonderful Annie and I are off to the New York Gift Fair today. To say I’m nervous would be an understatement. I’ve never done a show of this size before (not to mention the cost).
After New York (I’ll be back next Wednesday), I have about a week and a half until ACC in Baltimore. Then its off to Utica to install my 2-person exhibition, then a few more days, and then off to Savannah for SNAG, where I’m presenting in the Professional Development Seminar! Wow!
And since I’m missing the Towson Jewelry/Metals beginning of the semester party, I’m including a few pictures of myself for that. (I have pictures of myself so much, so this is quite painful.) Below you’ll find what I look like in a typical day in my studio, and me when I’m cleaned up a bit.
If your at the New York Gift Fair, stop by and say hello! (Handmade, booth 132)
PS – Interns, sorry for not posting the other pics! Time got away from me.
These are the words used to describe my work by our randomly chosen winner – Rachael of Pistachio Press. Congratulations Rachael!
Thanks to everyone for chiming in – your feedback is much appreciated. Stay tuned for more contests in the future.
First off, I have to say that I’m loving this new pattern by Amy Butler!
While browsing summer workshops, I discovered the work of Jennifer Angus (pictured below). She creates these amazing installations using silk screened patterns of insects. Even more amazing is that she’s teaching workshops on repeat pattern design for silkscreen at both Penland and Arrowmont. I’m so there. Even though I feel like my jewelry has been going well, I haven’t had the time to pattern design like I’ve wanted. It seems like a summer workshop would be just the ticket.
And thanks for all your thoughts on my work – you can still enter my contest until tomorrow!
by Megan 11 Comments
I need an opinion from everyone – so I’ve decided to run a little contest. I’m trying to get my booth ready for upcoming shows, but I’m having a little trouble hitting the right mood for the booth. This is where you come in – if you have a moment, please comment on this post with 3 words that you think best describe my work. (I’ll be showing both my steel and silver line and my steel leaf line at these shows.)
I’ll leave the contest open until noon on Wednesday, and then I’ll draw one lucky winner and send you a set of 2 of my fine silver on steel rings.
Thanks in advance!